Jerry - vertaling naar frans
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Jerry - vertaling naar frans

Jerry (disambiguation); Jerry (racehorse); Jerry (horse)

Jerry, male first name (form of Gerald, Jeremiah and other names); female first name (form of Geraldine)
Jerry Rubin         
Jerry Rubin (1938-94), American financier and former radical political activist, co-founder of the "Yippie political movement and member of the Chicago Seven
Jerry Yang         
Jerry Yang, one of the founders of the Yahoo company (popular Internet search engine)


·add. ·adj Flimsy; jerry-built.



Jerry may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Jerry
1. JERRY: I'm Jerry Harvey.
The Rise of the In-Ear Monitor _ Jerry Harvey _ Talks at Google
2. Jerry?'"
The Art of Asking _ Amanda Palmer _ Talks at Google
3. AUDIENCE: Jerry West, Jerry Buss.
Out of Line - A Life of Playing with Fire _ Barbara Lynch _ Talks at Google
4. >> Larry: Jerry Siegel, Jerry Siegel, so we've
Superman _ High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero _ Larry Tye _ Talks at Google
5. >>Jerry: Ahhh >>audience member: Yay Jerry!
My Film Making Career _ Jerry Zucker _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jerry
1. Le producteur du film, Jerry Weintraub, est un fou de Maserati.
2. Selon l‘avocat Jerry Petros, les fabricants ne sont pas tenus d‘offrir des cours de formation.
3. Quelle merveilleuse idée que celle de ces films «suédés», selon l‘expression de Jerry!
4. Il tourne avec des Blancs qui piquent aux Noirs, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis.
5. Jerry Bruckenheimer, le nabab qui produit cette série créée par Anthony E.